Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting

March 17, 2005

7:00 PM



Location:            District Office, Gander




Mr. Bill Sceviour (Chair)                                     Mr. Randell Mercer, Director

Mr. Terry Brown                                                  Mr. Charlie McCormack

Mr. Scott Pritchett                                                            Ms. Claudine Wells

Mr. Gerald Hounsell                                                           Ms. Bonnie Lane McCarthy

Ms. Carolyn Andrews                                              Mr. Shawn Brace

Ms. Linda Cutler

Ms. Lisa Wheeler                                                          




Mr. Clar Brown                                                  Ms. Marina Hewlett

Mr. Randy Edison



1.            Approval of Agenda


Motion:            to approve the agenda as circulated.  (Andrews/Cutler).  Carried.


2.         Minutes of Meetings


            2.1            Regular Meeting – February 22, 2005


Motion:            to accept the minutes of the February 22, 2005 as circulated. (Hounsell/Andrews).  Carried


3.            Business Arising


3.1       Proposed By Laws/Operation of the Board


Motion:            to accept the By-Laws/Operation of the Board as proposed at the February 22nd, 2005 meeting with the amendment that we define what a quorum is.  A quorum is defined as more than 50% of the current membership of the Board.  (Terry Brown/Hounsell).  Carried.


            4.1            Executive Committee (Bill Sceviour)


The Committee continued on with its previous discussions on Director’s Contract.


4.2            Finance & Property Committee (Scott Pritchett)


A meeting was held on March 3rd, 2005.


·           Two approvals for roofing projects have been approved by the EIC:

·      Baie Verte Primary

·      Baie Verte High School


·           Internal Financial Statements for both December 31st, 2004 and January 31st, 2005 were reviewed.


It was reported that administration expenditures are problematic.  A full review of the Board’s financial position will be presented at the next committee meeting.


·           Auditor General’s Report

-     A copy of this report has been circulated to all board members.

-            The report was discussed at length at the Finance & Property Committee.


·           Property Matters:

The administration is pursuing the disposal of surplus schools on New World Island.


·           Capital Projects – Envelope Issues

In response to a request from the Department of Education, we have submitted a list of schools outlining various roofing, windows and siding and any structural problems associated with schools that we are aware of.


·           Carmanville School Complex and Holy Cross School Complex

Currently working through some issues pertaining to tender calls for these projects and completion schedules.


4.3            Governance & System Review Committee (Terry Brown)


See attached Governance-System Review Committee Report.


Motion:            to table the Proposed Code of Ethics for the Nova Central School Board and the Proposed Policies - Operation of the Board to be voted on at the next regular meeting. (T. Brown/Hounsell).  Carried


4.4            Programming & Personnel Committee (Carolyn Andrews)


Teacher Liaison Meeting

·           Computer Technicians

·           Yearly Plans

·           Discretionary Leave

·           Hiring Policy – Guidelines

·           New Curriculum – Professional Development Support


Program Personnel – March 8, 2005

·           Intensive Core French Presentation

·           Safe & Caring Schools

·           New Programs

-     This will have an impact on our Professional Development Plans.

·           Hiring Policy

Motion:            to table Hiring Policies 400, 401 and 402 for approval at the next regular meeting.  (Andrews/Cutler).  Carried.


4.5       Strategic Social Plan – Central Regional Steering Committee


The Chair emailed information to all trustees concerning the new role of the Social Strategic Plan Committee.


4.6            Director’s Report


The Director referenced the “Connections Newsletter” that was included in each board members folder.


Carmanville School Complex – may have some problems with the September opening.


            4.7            NLSBA News (Bill Sceviour)


The Chair forwarded, to all trustees, a copy of the email from Mr. Shortall concerning the process that is in place to reconstitute the NLSBA.


There is a teleconference scheduled for March 18, to further discuss this matter.




5.            Correspondence


·           AGM – Federation of School Councils – invitation to board members to attend.

·           Public Accountability and Corporate Governance  - Forum on the role of governance and accountability.

·           Minister of Education:

-     Letter to Mr. Perry Cox – St. Alban’s

-     Letter to Mr. Guy Nash at St. Peter’s All Grade re teacher reductions.


6.         New Business


            6.1            Premier’s Announcement on Capital Funding


Both the Director and the Chair were invited to the press release by the Premier on funding of building envelope projects.


Twelve million dollars has been approved to assist boards with major repair issues such as roofs, windows and siding, and structural problems.


Information relating to how this funding will be distributed and the parameters surrounding the project approvals have not yet been finalized.


We will engage in discussions with the Department on how we can proceed to have these types of projects completed over the summer.


The Premier also announced a $250,000 budget to assist boards with strategic planning in the area of school restructuring.


            6.2            Background Report on School System Review


The Director provided some background information on the School System Review in preparation for the presentation to the board scheduled for this Saturday.


Topics included:

·           Declining enrolments

·           Teacher allocations to board

·           Teacher allocation to schools

·           Student Support Services

·           School system Review has been one of the topics during the recent staffing meetings with school systems.

·           Curriculum Design vs. School Organization.

·           Transitional Issues

·           Building and Program Infrastructure.

·           Need for comprehensive planning and consultation with stakeholders.


8.         Date of Next Meeting


The next regular meeting of the Board will be held on April 19, 2005 commencing 7:00 PM at the Regional Office.


9.            Adjournment


Motion:           to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 PM  (Hounsell/T. Brown).  Carried.




_________________________                                              ________________________

William Sceviour                                                                       Shawn Brace

Chair                                                                                        Recorder

